
Ryder Elementary

At Ryder Elementary, we are committed to providing care and supporting the social-emotional well-being of all our students. We provide classroom social emotional learning lessons, individual and group counseling, and crisis counseling, as well as linkage and referrals to outside agencies.

Contact us

Ryder Elementary main extension: 518-234-4032, ext. 2585
Becky Dostie, School Counselor: [email protected]

Radez Elementary

The counselors at Radez Elementary are committed to providing care and supporting the social-emotional well-being of all our students. We provide classroom social emotional learning lessons, individual and group counseling, crisis counseling and linkage and referrals to outside agencies.

Contact us

Radez Elementary main office: 518-294-6621 

Max Tochterman, School Counselor: t[email protected]

Melissa Bynum, Mental Health Counselor: [email protected]

Golding Middle School

Here at Golding Middle School we are committed to meeting the social-emotional needs of all our students.  

We strive to ensure that every student will acquire the academic, career, and personal/social skills to reach their fullest educational potential and successfully manage their lives as healthy, responsible, competent and productive citizens who respect themselves and others.

Contact us

Golding Counseling Office: 518-234-8368 ext. 2020

Meghan McCaffrey, School Counselor (last names A-K): [email protected]
Lisa Yatrakis, School Counselor (last names L-Z): [email protected]
Samantha Gaske, Mental Health Counselor (counselor for AIP 1 , AIP 6): [email protected]

Cobleskill-Richmondville High School

The Cobleskill-Richmondville High School guidance office strives to help students get the most out of their high school experience, and to help them transition to life after high school. Our staff is always available to answer questions or provide additional information. If you have any questions or need assistance please give us a call us at (518) 234-2579.

Contact us

C-R High School Guidance Office: 518-234-2579

Olivia Friedson, School Counselor: [email protected]
Kristin Komarinski, Coordinator of Guidance: [email protected]
Jessica Lyons, School Counselor: [email protected]
Dana Biondi, Mental Health Counselor: [email protected]
Jaci Gravina: Secretary, ext. 1007
Amy Robinson: Secretary, ext. 1008

C-R High School Guidance Resources

Scholarship Opportunities

Check out the Scholarship Opportunities page for ways to apply for college money!

College and Career Readiness

Naviance - staff login

Naviance - student and families login

College Planning Guide

Begin planning for college with our College Planning Guide.

Be sure to take our College Planning Questionnaire. (Note that the form will open in a new window. You must save it to your computer before submitting the completed form.

Below are materials to review during your students Junior Scheduling Meeting. 

Financial Aid Resources 


Curriculum Guide

The 2025-2026 Curriculum Handbook provides a detailed summary of the comprehensive course offerings at Cobleskill-Richmondville High School. Please note the courses listed include all of the classes each department is able to teach. Not every class will be offered each year.

Here are the courses available by grade for the 2025-2026 school year:

Working Papers

Working papers are issued for two different age groups:

14-15 years of age (blue Employment Certificate)
16-17 years of age (green Employment Certificate)

An application signed by the parent/guardian along with verification of a physical within the last year is required. Download a copy of the Working Paper Application and Physical Fitness Certification forms or the forms can be obtained in the High School Guidance office. Completed forms should be brought to Mrs. Gravina in the Guidance office for processing. For full information on employment of minors, visit the New York State Department of Labor website.

Note: Students issued an Employment Certificate should take care in storing it in a safe place until employment is secured and the employer requests the certificate. The employer will then hold the certificate as long as the student is employed with this employer. If employment is terminated, the employer is required to return the certificate to the student so that it can be used at the next employment location.