Ryder Mental Health Resources

At Ryder Elementary, we are committed to providing care and supporting the social-emotional well-being of all our students. We provide classroom social emotional learning lessons, individual and group counseling, and crisis counseling, as well as linkage and referrals to outside agencies.

Cartwheel is a trusted mental health partner with CRCS, delivering rapid access to mental

health services via telehealth. Contact your child’s school counselor if interested in making a referral. Sessions are private and confidential, accessed via computer or smartphone. Appointments are available up to 8:00 pm daily, including weekends. Sessions are done weekly for 1-hour sessions for 2-6 months on average. Parent guidance and psychiatric evaluation/medication management is available if needed. Parent Guidance includes a parent/guardian meeting with a licensed therapist for 30-minute sessions every other week to support your child's mental health, focusing on communication, relationship challenges, and more. This is a great option when a child is too young or not interested in telehealth. Cartwheel also provides the district with mental health resources that can be found through Parent Square notifications or at https://www.cartwheel.org/resources

Contact us

Ryder Elementary main extension: 518-234-4032, ext. 2585
Becky Dostie, School Counselor: [email protected]
Alicia Hughes, Classroom Support Teacher: [email protected]
Kelly Rossman, School Psychologist: [email protected]
Bethany Scarlata, School Psychologist: [email protected]

Mental health resources

Social Emotional Support/Learning Lessons
● Feelings Chart
● Virtual Calm Down Activities
● Teaching Feelings & Emotions
● Five Finger Breathing
● My Worry Monster
● Everfi: Social Emotional Learning Lessons K-12
Overcoming Obstacles : Social Emotional Learning Lessons K-12

Anxiety DIY Self-Care Kit/Box
● Fidget Toy (DIY: You can take two simple key rings and put them together; or, take a key ring and put soda-top tabs on the ring.)
● Weighted blanket
● Essential Oils & Diffuser: Try lavender (calming, helps aid in sleep) and ylang ylang (relieves tension and stress).
● Your favorite lotion: Your favorite smelly one, or unscented with added essential oils.)
● Small sketch pad/coloring book and pencils/crayons/markers: doodle, color, draw
● A list of things that you know make you happy
● A book of inspirational quotes, your favorite book, book of poems, etc.
● A gratitude journal or just a positivity journal (a notebook works the same): Helps keep your thoughts positive.

Talking to children about COVID 
● Psychology Today: COVID Fatigue related articles
● Autism Speaks COVID resources: COVID 19 Information and Resources
● Wilma Jean The Worry Machine: A read aloud book to help children cope with their worries
● Don’t Think About Purple Elephants: A read aloud book to help children cope with their worries
● ChildMind.org COVID and Kids’ Mental Health 
●  The National Child Traumatic Stress Network: Parent/Caregiver Guide to Helping Families Cope with Coronavirus (English, Spanish, and Chinese versions available)
● Understood.org: Talking to your child about social and emotional issues

Community Resources

 Schoharie County Dept. of Public Health (for Covid-19 updates)
Schoharie County Community Mental Health Clinic and Chemical Dependency Clinic: 518-295-8336. Please call for crisis assistance 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. weekdays. After-hours and weekends, contact the Mobile Crisis Assessment Team (MCAT) at 1-315-732-6228 or 1-844-732-6228. 
Schoharie County Department of Social Services: 518-295-8334. Please visit https://www4.schohariecounty-ny.gov/departments/social-services/ for additional information regarding access to information. 
For eligibility for NYS Benefits, individuals in need can create an online account through https://www.mybenefits.ny.gov/mybenefits as a prescreen for eligibility for the following supports: HEAP, SNAP, Assistance Programs, Health Insurance, Tax Credits. 
The NYS COVID-19 Emotional Support Helpline at 844-863-9314 is staffed 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., 7 days a week.

Food pantries


Catholic Charities of Schoharie County (CCSC) – 489 West Main Street, Cobleskill By appointment ONLY – Mon 9:00am to 4:00pm, Tue & Wed 1:30pm to 4:00pm 518-234-3581 Contact Person: Allison Briggs *Please note: This pantry’s services are limited to residents of Schoharie County only. 

First Baptist Church – 492 West Main Street, Cobleskill By appointment ONLY – Thursday Morning (call by Wednesday) 518-234-2729 Contact Person: Mary Robinson @ 518-234-3135 Call for an appointment: leave your name, phone number, number of people in the household. 

Cobleskill United Methodist Church – 107 Chapel Street, Cobleskill Fridays only 9:30am to 12:00pm 518-234-3671 Call for an appointment: leave your name, phone number, number of people in the household. 

Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church – 615 E. Main Street, Cobleskill Open for walk-ins last Saturday of the month 9:00am – 12:00pm 518-234-3381 Emergency Pantries - Call for an appointment: leave your name, phone number, number of people in the household. 

Schoharie County Community Action Program – 795 East Main Street, Suite 5, Cobleskill Open Monday through Friday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm 518-234-2568 Please call in advance to ensure staff will be available to assist you.  Emergency assistance only.

St. John’s Monastery – 151 Heron Road, Cobleskill Open for walk ins Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday 10:00am-12:00pm 518-254-7283 Contact Person: Fr. Nicholas Clinkingbeard Emergency Pantries – Call for an appointment.


St. Paul’s Lutheran Church – 265 Main Street, Richmondville Open for walk-ins last Saturday of the month 9:00am to 12:00pm 518-294-6656 Emergency Pantries - Call and leave your name, phone number, number of people in the household. *Please note: This pantry’s services are limited to residents of Richmondville, Summit and Warnerville.


United Methodist Church – Rt 10, Summit Open for walk ins third Saturday of the month 10:00am to 11:00am 518-287-1828 Contact Person: John Korbel Emergency Pantries - Call for an appointment: leave your name, phone number, number of people in the household.


Bethany Evangelical Lutheran Church – 177 Church Street, Central Bridge By appointment ONLY 518-868-2868 Contact Person: Rev. Steffen Zehrfuhs Call for an appointment: leave your name, phone number, number of people in the household.