Golding AoPC spread welcoming message

Golding AoPC spread welcoming message
Posted on 11/08/2022
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To help promote belonging and a willingness to welcome in the Golding community, middle school Agents of Positive Change are reading books from the new “Welcoming Library” to kindergarten students at Ryder Elementary.

The Welcoming Library is stocked with books made available through the Capital Region BOCES and I am Your Neighbor Books, a non-profit organization that “strives to build a stronger America, one where immigrants are welcomed and where first-through-third-generation Americans truly belong.”

More information about the program can be found on the organization’s website: I am Your Neighbor Books.

Students in Golding's Agents of Positive Change club made welcome posters and will be encouraging students to read together. As part of this initiative, seventh-graders have been visiting kindergarten classrooms to read books from The Welcoming Library with younger students.