Inaugural Golding Kennel Club Dogless Dog Show

Inaugural Golding Kennel Club Dogless Dog Show
Posted on 06/07/2023
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Students in Mrs. Strobeck’s seventh grade agriculture, food and natural resources class wrapped up their animal science unit and celebrated National Pet Month by preparing for and hosting the Inaugural Golding Kennel Club Dogless Dog Show. 

To prepare for the show, the students watched the 2023 Westminster Kennel Club dog show, researched their favorite dog breed and made model dogs. The preliminary show round took place in each AFNR class on Monday, May 22. 

Each student presented their model dog along with their show entry form that contained information about each dog breed. Fourteen dogs were chosen to participate in the "Best in Show Round" held on Tuesday, May 23. The dogs participating in the Best in Show were voted on by their class members or were chosen as the best breed representative for each of the AKC Groupings. 

Named best in show champion was Leland Ryder with his beagle, reserve champion was Landon Beisler with his Carolina dog, honorable mention was Grady Coppolo with his Chihuahua, and the crowd favorite was Jack Falco and Skyler Kelly-Palmer with their Shetland sheepdog.