Ryder "Makerspace" promotes hands-on learning

Ryder "Makerspace" promotes hands-on learning
Posted on 10/24/2022
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The art room at Ryder Elementary is now also a “Makerspace” where students in kindergarten, first and second grade can practice their problem-solving skills through hands-on play and experimentation.

Under the instruction of Lori Masterson, Ryder’s art teacher, students will visit the makerspace at least once a month for a STEAM class, which blends elements of science, technology, engineering, art and math. The cross-disciplinary program helps students explore new subjects in a variety of ways. 

For instance, second-grade students completed an architecture unit in art class during which they learned what an architect does and made their own blueprints for imaginary buildings using the straight edges and circles in the art room.

Then, during their STEAM class, the students used cardboard and plastic screws to create three-dimensional objects. 

“I wanted them to be able to poke a hole, turn the screw and combine 2 pieces of cardboard,” Mrs. Masterson explained. “Some students went above and beyond and created airplanes, buildings and vehicles. Eventually we will be drawing a plan and trying to create the object. I was happy to see such a large amount of enthusiasm and sharing of ideas.”

STEAM classes will continue throughout the school year.

Below are some photos of a second-grade class working on their architecture projects: